Bundled expertise from Baden-Württemberg

The joint Competence Guide of the Cluster Fuel Cell BW and the Cluster Electric Mobility South-West offers valuable insights into the competences of their members and partners. Both cluster initiatives are coordinated by the state agency e-mobil BW which supports the transformation of the mobility industry in Baden-Württemberg.

In the Cluster Electric Mobility South-West and the Cluster Fuel Cell BW, industry, research and the public sector work together to design a sustainable, emission-free, intelligent and economically successful mobility of the future. The Competence Guide is the reference work for both cluster initiatives and shows experts and representatives from politics and society the way to potential (project) partners.

Expertise in electric mobility, digitalisation and hydrogen and fuel cell technology is available from Baden-Württemberg — highly specialised and across a wide range of fields. The Competence Guide shows in just a few clicks which competences the members and partners of the two Clusters Fuel Cell BW and Cluster Electric Mobility South-West have. They have provided detailed information about themselves and their portfolios. In this way, competences in Baden-Württemberg can be bundled , innovation processes accelerated and collaborations facilitated.

Find the right experts quickly & easily

  • Sector Which field of application is of interest to you?
  • Activity: Are you looking for a stakeholder that researches, develops and/or manufactures new technologies? Are you looking for a stakeholder that offers services?
  • Cross-cutting issues: What cross-technology trends and challenges are of interest to you?
  • Systems and components: What systems and components in vehicles, in infrastructure and/or in the energy sector are of interest to you?

The interaction of the information on sector, field of activity, technologies and cross-sectional topics results in the competence profile of the cluster members and partners.

Sophisticated filter options

The filters in the Competence Guide enable general searches, such as for contacts in development for mobility applications. But the filters also enable precise searches for individual products, such as manufacturers for inverters in the powertrain. The filtered results can be sorted alphabetically by organisation name or by number of employees and further narrowed down. The map view enables the search for companies close by.